Magnetoelectric ‘spin’ on stimulating the brain

Written by Rakesh Guduru, Ping Liang, J Hong, Alexandra Rodzinski et al.

Aim: The in vivo study on imprinting control region mice aims to show that magnetoelectric nanoparticles may directly couple the intrinsic neural activity-induced electric fields with external magnetic fields. Methods: Approximately 10 µg of CoFe2O4–BaTiO3 30-nm nanoparticles have been intravenously administrated through a tail vein and forced to cross the blood–brain barrier via a d.c. field gradient of 3000 Oe/cm. A surgically attached two-channel electroencephalography headmount has directly measured the modulation of intrinsic electric waveforms by an external a.c. 100-Oe magnetic field in a frequency range of 0–20 Hz. Results: The modulated signal has reached the strength comparable to that...

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