About Neuro Central

Neuro Central, part of Taylor and Francis, is a free online resource that unites all aspects of neurology and neuroscience to support synergistic progression through collaboration and learning.

Neurology and neuroscience are fast-moving, multidisciplinary fields at the forefront of medical and scientific progression. Uniquely bridging the gap between basic research and clinical practice and endorsed by an expanding board of Expert Panel members from across the globe, Neuro Central delivers high-quality and relevant content in an accessible and innovative way. We help you to stay up to date with breaking news, opinion pieces, peer-reviewed journal articles and multimedia content that can be digested quickly and easily.

About Taylor & Francis

Taylor & Francis supports diverse communities of experts, researchers and knowledge makers around the world to accelerate and maximize the impact of their work. We are a leader in our field, publish across all disciplines and have one of the largest Humanities and Social Sciences portfolios. Our expertise, built on an academic publishing heritage of over 200 years, advances trusted knowledge that fosters human progress.

Our 2,500+ people, based in a global network of offices in more than 15 countries, use their skills and the latest technology to curate, validate and share impactful advanced, emergent and applied knowledge. Under the Taylor & Francis, Routledge and F1000 imprints we publish 2,700 journals, 8,000 new books each year and partner with more than 700 scholarly societies.

Taylor & Francis is proud to be a Global Certified Accessible™ publisher and our operations and all our print publications are certified CarbonNeutral®.

The people behind Neuro Central

Meet the team
Annie Coulson
Digital Editor
Leela Ripton
Head of Digital and Marketing
Regular contributors
Trishna Bharadia
Patient Engagement Consultant